These Are a Few of Our Favorite Things!

Hear ye hear ye, we have an announcement: We have favorites!

Okay, so maybe this isn’t the most revolutionary declaration we have made in the history of Satori. Whenever we aren’t working on client projects like Drive288 or Turn Up with Your Pup (June 22), we are usually obsessing over something awesome.

Be it TV, movies, podcasts, books, music, and even the occasional GIF; we are always talking about something in our office.

Not to expose Taco and Magician but they were pretty upset by Brooklyn Nine-Nine getting canceled (not picked up by NBC for its 6th season). Pineapples is usually talking about the hot topics blowing up social media. Finally, The Whiz and Sasquatch had some interesting commentary about the Avengers: Infinity War.

So, that got us thinking: why don’t we share some of our favorite things with you, our faithful blog readers? Wouldn’t it be fun if we could obsess about things together?

That is why we will be doing Satori Friday Favorites, where every Friday for the entire summer we will publish all the things we can’t stop talking about here at Satori.

We are pretty excited to share what we love with our audience, but we also want to know what your favorite things are.

Let us know on Twitter, @SatoriMarketing or on the Satori Marketing Facebook what your favorite things are and, it might make our Friday Favorites!

– The Satori Team



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